Morph Targets Do Not Animate after First Frame

Please watch this video as it does a much better job showcasing the error than what could be described by text:

This error is specifically referring only to the animation of the morph targets. The morph targets of the model have no difficulty getting imported into UE4, and the animation morph target data goes through just fine.

What is frustrating is that when I select an animation, it will only animate the very first frame of the morph target, and the morph target refuses to animate the remaining keyframes. In the video, you can see that the keyframes are there, UE4 is just not animating.

What I noticed after playing around with it is that the moment I edit a single keyframe ever so slightly, then suddenly the morph targets start animating. However, the moment I select ‘apply’ and/or ‘save’ then the bug occurs again. I have no idea why this is happening, or what I could possibly do to fix it. Help would be very much appreciated!

Okay, so ever since UE4.25 released, this issue no longer occurs, which is nice.
However, between the time I originally posted the question and now, I did come up with a “solution” (although it is a pain to work around). So in case anyone happens to come across this same issue in the current UE4 version or future versions, here is what I did.

Basically you had to select all the keyframes of the pose morph, right-click, and select “Auto”


Then apply and save changes. The pose morph keyframes should now be working fine. If “Auto” doesn’t work, try “Linear” or “Constant.” Unfortunately, this solution is very tedious as you’ll have to do this for all the pose morph keyframes. Like I said, UE4.25 fixed this issue for me so I no longer have to do it, so hopefully this will not be an issue for anyone else. But in case there is, I wanted to put this solution out there so no one had to be stranded for answers like I was.