Yo, I’m in the beginning phase of creating a Metroid like game, I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve gotten basic items done, I’m wondering if anyone would know how to do this. I tried possessing my character, deleting it then spawning in a morph ball in its’ location with the player controller attached, but the camera does a weird pan out and I can no longer make any inputs. I made a bp to reverse the effects and spawn the character in again, but no luck. Any tips? (P.S. Morph ball has no animation bps.)
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This would switch between the third person character (of the third person template) and the physics ball BP (of the rolling template). Its located in a blank player controller (that just got this nodes inside).
If you would save the camera rotation and pan then you have to store the controll rotation and the target arm length of the cameraboom and set it back after posses.
I would really love to see this picture, but it seems that the link isn’t working anymore. Any change you could re-upload it?