More information on animDynamics

Hey guys, I went to have a look at 4.11 and checked out the new node presented here: Paragon Feature Examples: AnimDynamics | Feature Highlight | Unreal Engine - YouTube
I wanted to know if there is already a documentation on it, breaking down the attributes, Id like information on the actual way they influence the outcome and the maths behind it. (they seem to be somewhat different than the phat ones).
I was trying to make a springy antenna type thing (well not really, but picture one) and its currently set up the following way: 1 Bone at the tip and 1bone at the base, with exponential skinweight ratio. I want the bone at the tip to move in a plane perpendicular to the antenna direction. I can make the movement plane I guess, but I cant figure out how to get a wiry/metally/springy/bouncy behavior of it. It always just jaggs and floats or overly exaggerates motion. The whole thing feels pretty unintuitive to set up tbh. I will be having a third look at the stream video myself, but it would be cool if people could post attribute settings profiles and what those certain combinations result in.
In the end we might all benefit from that.

Also, on a side note, I already mentioned it somewhere else. But the fact that the animDynamics is relative to the movement component is a little disappointing. Is there a way to address the wind strength and direction attributes from blueprint? I could connect those to the inverse velocity vector to bypass this flaw. Is that possible?



Bumping this… im picking up this little project again guys and have some more info on what it is:

Bascailly im making an anglerfish character and want to have the thingy that he attracts prey with to be bouncy. Its a very stylized theme so I dont want realistic floaty in water behavior but more of a cartoony jiggle wiggle.
Right now im considering using the same system but on a 2joint Ik. So Ill have the target bone be driven by the animDynamics node and that then drives the ik chain in the engine. That way I can have it do some simple collisions and some correct bending.

So again: my question is, how do I make the animDynamics node reach a similarly stable behavior as the springBone node? Right now whatever I do with it either results in awfully incorrect/extreme behaviour or just straight breaks the thing.

PS: Ill be posting a picture of the model and rig as soon as im able to and show what I want to do with it, maybe in a video or something like that…