More control over color correction?

The only control over the ‘correct colors’ feature seems to be yes/no. It would be helpful to have more control over this feature, especially exposure adjustments. When I go out to scan I shoot manually and lock exposure, white balance, etc. but I’ve found that even on an overcast day the lighting can change quite a bit (density of clouds overhead and the sun moving depending on how long you’re out there). So the ability to change ONLY the exposure in a batch of images, resulting in an even exposure throughout, would be a huge help. I’m scanning buildings mostly, which can take a while and lead to uneven exposures that result in uneven textures. Thank you for reading this and if this feature does already exist and I’m just missing it please let me know

Hi Matthew,

                  thank you for the feedback, I will add this as a feature request. If anyone else would find this useful please add a comment below and it will increase the priority.

Would be great to have such an option, it’s true that it’s difficult to get same exposure on all pictures even during overcast day. It takes a lot of time to edit all pics in another software, having RC doing it directly would be awesome.

The-Runaway, your vote was added to our feature request database