Montages with a True First Person Setup

I’m working with a true first person setup, and I can’t figure out how to get montages working correctly so that the camera follows the action of the montage. The only resource I’ve been able to find is this article - True First Person Camera in Unreal Engine 4
Great article and even covers montages, but it’s written in C++ so I’m unable to understand it.
Could someone help me translate this into blueprints?

@Mind-Brain I’m sure there is a quick and easy solution to this, but I’ve been unable to figure it out haha

Okay so this is a lot of things. It cannot be done without C++ editing, every bit that was listed as C++ instead of blueprint is not achievable through BP yet. :frowning:

So there’s no possible way to make montages work correctly on a true first person setup without C++? That’s unfortunate! But explains why I haven’t been able to find any resources on it :joy:

@unvoicedbee to be fair, it’s not specifically montages, it’s anything which could need the UpdateRotation() method in the PlayerController class, among other things.

Gotcha, at least the article explains the C++ well, so I made need to learn a little coding language!

With a small amount of learning, you can do this with simple copy/paste :stuck_out_tongue:
You’ll just need to learn how to make a C++ class (UE5 top bar>Tools>NewC++Class), copy/paste their fixes, and recompile the code!

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Sounds simple enough! I’ll look up some videos on basic fundamentals and read over this article some more and go from there, thank you for your help!

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I know this is almost two years after the fact but were you able to figure this out?