Montage Not Playing in Non-Default Slots

Hi, I feel like I’m missing something really obvious here because I’ve got this to work in the past, I’m trying to play an anim montage on my left arm only, so I created a new slot called ‘LeftArm’, and set the slot in the montage to that slot (I also added a new slot then deleted it to fix the daft bug where nothing plays when the slot is changed), then created the Default Slot node in the anim BP and changed the slot to ‘LeftArm’. In a BP I have a reference to the character, so I’m getting the skeletal mesh component and calling the Play Montage node with the multiple output pins, playing the correct montage, but nothing is playing.

I’ve tested with breakpoints and prints and it’s all working as it should, and even if I switch the montage back to the default slot it plays fine, I’ve looked at a bunch of tutorials on it to refresh my memory but I haven’t missed anything they’ve done, so I’m at a loss here

I solved the second issue (Notifies not executing), left here in case anyone else has the same issue

On top of this, when playing in the default slot the montage plays but the notifies aren’t executed, I checked with a print to make sure I wasn’t misspelling the notify too - (Edit - When using the Notify in the anim BP’s event graph it works, just not on the Play Montage node)

Solved by right clicking on the Notify track in the montage and going Add Notify > Montage Notify, instead of Add Notify > New Notify

The BP that’s calling the Play Montage:

Anim Graph (The DefaultSlot node is in the main Anim BP, but I’ve tried placing that both before and after this linked anim graph is used, and without the default slot entirely, none worked):


(Changed category because this was in Character and Animation for almost a week and only had 14 views)




FINALLY SOLVED IT! It turns out it was because I was trying to play the montage in a slot that was used inside a linked anim graph, so for anyone else who gets stuck on this;

In the Class Defaults of the AnimBP you are linking, tick the ‘Use Main Instance Montage Evaluation Data’ and the montages should now play!

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