I’m trying to loop a specific idle animation in my character blueprint with the PlayMontage node. I’ve ticked ‘Loop’ in both the animation sequence and animation montage, however PlayMontage does not loop this animation.
As a workaround, I set the Completed pin out on the PlayMontage node to loop back in on itself and this almost works, however, even after setting the ‘Blend Time’ in Blend In and Blend Out to 0.0 there’s still a brief moment inbetween loops where it doesn’t play.
The specific section in a montage and the montage itself need to be properly configured for looping.
The UI was confusing af in ue4. I doubt ue5 is any better…
If you expect to loop the node around the way you did, it likely can, but it is just as likely to throw an infinite loop error or similar issue.
I’d say it’s just a bleurpint “no no”…
Which is why the internal settings for the montage allow you to set the section progression and loop values.
I’m an idiot. The solution is to click on the ‘Pick the next section’ button next to the Preview and Default buttons under the Montage Sections tab, and just set the next section to Default (or whatever you’ve named the default section). No need to change the Blend Time values, just tick Loop.
The documentation threw me for a loop (no pun intended) by suggesting we use game logic to determine how many loops should be performed.
This work for me. But it will keep repeating that montage forever when my AI switch to a different state. Is there a way to remove that link/loop on runtime?