I’m trying to get a montage (because I need root motion), and I’m really having trouble! I’ve scoured the interwebs, and found these links:
And so on. However, I’m really having trouble on understanding quite how montages blend in the animgraph.
First off, I get that montages are run in the eventGraph. But in the structure of the Animgraph, do any montages playing override them?
I’m using this whole thing to achieve climbing up off an edge…
So basically my questions are:
Do montages just override any currently playing animations within the animgraph? Doesn’t it have something to do with layer blend per bones and slots?
How do you access more slots in the AnimGraph? All I can see is default
I can’t even get a montage to work at all in the EventGraph. Here’s a pic:
By the looks of it the Montage to be played is called climb_montage but the slot you want to send it to is called “DefaultSlot” so there is no slot to send it to or a slot to receive.
All else being equal select the slot and in the settings you should see the slot name. Click on the little down arrow next to the group name and you should see the name of the Montage. Once you swap your shot should now receive the Montage trigger called climb_montage.
A montage will over ride any other Montage and only one at a time can be played. Layer per bone will blend based on the bone selection up through the hierarchy chain. In this case I’m assuming that the climb needs to be an absolute so you should plug it directly into the final animation pose as it could look strange depending on what the locomotion is sending out.
Make another slot and tack it in front of the one you already have and assign it a new Montage from the name selection. Only one Montage can play at a time but the way it’s set up don’t be surprised that it loops.
Ok, now my montage is playing! Huzzah!!
I didn’t know you could just rename the slot to whatever you want. So that worked… and then I figured out that you had to select which bones the montage had to play. Yas!!
But now… I’m trying to get root motion to work. I’ve enabled it and everything, but I can’t get it to move the actor when the root bone moves in the montage! (That is what it’s supposed to do, correct?)
If on ground then the root should take over and off it goes. If the play is off the ground (IE climbing) it is considered in air and the capsule physics takes over pulling the player back down to the ground. To climb you will need a behavior modifier of some sort, maybe a collision volume, that changes the gravity physics. Don’t know how to do it as lucky me I have a coder doing it for me.
More or less though I would not consider Root Motion as a completed system but expect it to work the way it should work over time.
By the way ran across this in the docs.
Have not tried but I assume that if you switch on can fly in the physics then the player root should be able to climb and once done turn it off.
Ok, so it turns out simply setting the gravity scale to 0 doesn’t work, although I would think it would. Instead, I had to literally set it to flying mode. Kinda dumb, but hey! It worked! Huzzah! Thanks guys!