Mono relicensed under MIT - C# for UE4 can come back?

I’m on the same boat as you. I’ve got almost a decade experience in C# but I dont find it to be appropriate for this engine. The way they use C++ and do almost all your memory management for you makes it extremely simple. There’s essentially no manual management of pointers. Just UPROPERTY a resource and you don’t have to do anything. It’s not like raw, pre-Cpp11 C++ in any way at all. Not to mention that because they use C++ throughout the whole engine it becomes very easy to debug when something goes wrong compared to when you pass the c# -> C++ boundary and are left scratching your head because the native error that was thrown is confusing and unclear.

I don’t have anything against C# being part of unreal if some external non-epic entity wants to come along and add support (possibly as a paid plugin). What I’m worried about is that Epic will allocate resources internally towards c# integration which will come at the cost of improving the engine in other areas.

Isn’t this all pretty moot since there is a scripting language implementation layer? We already have lua and skookum. If some non-epic entity wants to add c# support they have the tools to do so.

Not to mention skookum is a really interesting language and one of the few languages with a lot of unique constructs that were developed specifically for game development such as race.

That’s very anecdotal. As a counter-anecdote, I’ve worked at many software companies and I’ve met few developers there who didn’t know C++ (these companies also used c#, java, haskell, python, lua etc…).

Don’t worry, there is absolutely no way this is going to happen.

That’s good to know.

For what it’s worth I seem to recall saying that a large portion of the C# interface they made to the unreal engine was automated using some code generation tool. I can’t seem to find a reference to it on tirania. If that is the case then it seems like it wouldnt be too hard to add C# support to a project.

That’s awesome! Please keep us posted!

Thanks lets us now how it’s going and if we can help. I’m personally very interested and look forward to hearing/testing/helping.

Yeah it is the same technique used in Unreal.js

Any response from yet?

is awesome and it is now available in the Marketplace.

C# would be very much welcome as well.

So what is happening with the C# integration and Xamarin?

I’m working on 4.11 port of Mono for Unreal Engine, mostly done but need more testing.
And still try to figure out the license as it original requiring xamarin commercial license (which I happen to have one), and now mono is MIT…

@ I just checked out your contributions to Unreal.js, , Godot, Atomic Game Engine, etc…

All I can say is WOW!

Your skills are unbelievable!!

I’ve got every confidence that you are definitely the person to get the C# port to Unreal done.

What do you need to figure out the license?

Did you need some sort of legal opinion or do you need to talk to the people at Xamarin?

This thread has been read over 2,300 times, so there is obviously a huge amount of interest in getting C# into Unreal.

How can we here in the help?

yeah. what can we do to help?

+1 .

As @LinuxURU mentioned, the UE4 Plugin is now available through the Unreal Marketplace as one of the very first code plugins!


We think a lot of people on this thread will love it and should check it out. It’s free!

Also see [our blog post]( about the launch on the Marketplace.

@LinuxURU, thanks, though my contribution to projects you mentioned is quite trivial and hardly deserve your kind words.

I will be involved in a project soon and might not be able to continue my works on the port, so I really like to wrap it up and push it to github so anyone interested can carry on.

As the license, I’ve a short conversion with here (), hopefully it would be sorted out shortly. Ideally Xamarin could host it officially as a UE4 fork.

BTW, congrats @Noolarch! Anyone who are looking for text base scripting solution in their project now should really give a try, it’s getting better and better.

@ Your efforts are so very much appreciated!

I also second your suggestion for people to try . It is incredible.

For C# integration into Unreal, as you say, the most ideal solution would be for Xamarin to host it officially as a fork.

Is there anything members here can do to gently nudge in that direction?

@, Is there any word from Xamarin or Miguel?

@LinuxURU, I have sent my code to Miguel, it’s now up to him on how to progress next. Hopefully soon…

stay tuned. it’s coming.

@ Thank you for the update.

I simply can’t imagine Xamarin not hosting it as it would be a really big feather in their cap.

Now it’s time to hurry up and wait.

Fingers crossed.

Just to point out to all the haters on this thread, Mono for Unreal Engine would also include the Mono API’s (which are pretty much a subset of the .net apis). I shouldn’t have to point out that many people find .net easier than C++ simply because whilst the standard library is a great improvement, and whilst UE4 provides some useful utility classes, .net still trumps them massively on the utility class front.

But, my personal advice would be to learn C++. Once you learn all the verbose UE4 annotations (and they are very verbose), it’s almost as easy as C#.