Patrol System :
In Content >> Melee AI System Folder >> AI Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> Patrol Path Folder
- Drag (BP_AIobject-PatrolPathPoint) onto the Level.
- Create a path by copying and pasting the Patrol Path Point.
- Create the Patrol Path as per the image below.
AI Attacks System :
1- Molotov Thrower Attack System :
In Content >> Molotov Thrower AI System Folder >> AI Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> BP_Enemy >> Ammo Variable
Set the number of molotov the enemy can throw before moving into melee combat mode
2- Melee Attack System :
In Content >> Melee AI System Folder >> AI Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> BP_Enemy >> Attack Data Variable
Customize the Enemy Attacks as per the image below.
You can add an unlimited number of Enemy Attacks.
Where the system will randomly choose one Attack to make.
You can customize attacks directly from your level
This allows you to give each enemy special attacks without having to create a new Enemy BP
Hearing Range :
Reduce or enlarge the enemy’s hearing range by adjusting the value of (Hearing Range)
Dialog system :
In Content >> Melee AI System Folder >> AI Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> BT_Enemy >> BTT_EnemyDialogue Task
Customize The Enemy Dialogues as per the image below.
You can add an unlimited number of Enemy Dialogues.
Where the system will randomly choose one Dialogue to make.
Visual Effects System :
Adjust the amount of Blood splash
In Content >> Melee AI System Folder >> VFX Folder >> NS_Blood-FX >> Blood-Dreps-With-Collision
Adjust the amount of Blood splash by changing the value “Spawn Burst Instantaneous”
Adjust the size of the blood spot
In Content >> Melee AI System Folder >> Blueprints Folder >> Blood-Dreps Folder >> BP_Blood-Dreps >> Decal Size Variable
Adjust the size of the blood spot by changing the value of “Decal Size Variable”