Known Affected Projects/Templates: Code First Person, Blueprint First Person, Unreal Tournament
Platform: Windows 7 x86-64 SP1
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770 (no suffix)
Memory: 16GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 2GB (337.50)
At a certain distance from certain objects, two issues occur, simultaneously:
- A moire artifact - it looks like in the shadowing, almost like z-fighting with its own shadow.
- The shadow on the ground snaps a bit smaller (see ground below bottom left corner of affected box in images).
This looping Animated PNG was created by taking a screenshot, moving the camera a very small amount (over some threshold) and taking another screenshot.
Animated PNGs only work in Firefox and Opera 12-and-earlier (before they switched to Webkit). If you are not using Firefox (or Opera 12, for some reason) the two frames are provided below. It would be a good idea opening them both in separate tabs and switching between them back and forth.
Animated PNG
Links to individual frames
Before “getting too far away” (bug not present):
After backing up beyond some threshold (bug present):
Please let me know if any more information is desired.