Mograph in UE 5.4!

Here’s a concept advertisement I created using the cool new set of Mograph tools in 5.4!

Utilising cloners, effectors and speed ramps to create a bunch of neat effects. Really excited to see more from the motion graphics tools!

Rings modelled in Blender, Edited in Davinci Resolve

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Hi there @shanespencedes,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

Just wanted to pop in and say this looks spectacular! Ads are such a powerful micro-display of culture and art so seeing a tech upgrade for them is just rad :smiley: It almost felt like a music video - without a singer of course :joy:

Do you plan on making more of this type of project?

Hey! Thanks very much, I’ll be trying out the motion tools more for sure. A great addition to UE