Module AndroidAdvertising not found

hi everyone I have a big problem I integrate google ad correctly, but I get from mobile debug this message when I want to use ads

35 8946 D UE4 : [2020.07.09-23.38.19:957][435]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘AndroidAdvertising’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
07-10 00:38:19.957 8835 8946 D UE4 : [2020.07.09-23.38.19:957][435]LogAdvertising: Warning: Failed to find Advertising provider named AndroidAdvertising.
07-10 00:38:19.958 8835 8946 D UE4 : [2020.07.09-23.38.19:958][435]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘AndroidAdvertising’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
07-10 00:38:19.958 8835 8946 D UE4 : [2020.07.09-23.38.19:958][435]LogAdvertising: Warning: Failed to find Advertising provider named AndroidAdvertising.

I try to integrate ads in empty project, it work fine I need to publish my game and I am struck for 2 weeks

i try to add in the build.cs but when i build the game the build.cs delete my code

if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { “OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay”, “AndroidAdvertising” });

can someone help me, I am stuck tks

Hi, I found the reason and the solution
my project is blueprint project, but I active ApexDestruction(plugin) this plugin have c++ script so he generate a new intermediary build. Cs he overrides the old setting for Module AndroidAdvertising
so the solution is simple first navigate to your plugin source like this


open ApexDestruction.Build.cs

and change privetDependencyModuleNames to PublicDependencyModuleNames and add your module like this

Thanks for sharing! I was using the vaRest plugin. Same story, different plugin.