Hello there,
I have ran into a problem with my modular UI and can not find a solution.
I currently have a Modular Progress Bar and Text that are Widget Blueprints which are sitting in my main HUD Blueprint.
below is my Progress Bar Even Graph that makes the Percent Accessible
Below is my My HUD Blueprint that the Modular Progress Bar and Text are set. The Health_Bar and Action_Bar are both from the WBP_ProgressBar_Basic and the Health Points and Action Points are from my WBP_CurrentPoints which is set up like my ProgressBar to have the text accessible.
I have the Test Bar and Test Text created inside the HUD Canvas just like how someone would normally set up a Progress Bar and Text
I have a function that changes the Precent of The Bar and Text when called. However, the information is past to them, but visually they never change. I tested this by having the information passed to my Modular Progress Bar & Text first then it’s pass to the normal Test ones created in the HUD and the information is updated and correct every time I call that same function. I also tested by using the event Tick in the WBP_HUD to display the current Health from the Modular Bar & Text and that also show the correct information being pass to them.
Below is the Blueprint Component attached to my Third Person Character BP that holds the function for increase and decrease health.
You can see in the Update Health Bar Function where I send the information to the Test Bar and Text to make sure it’s getting the correct information.
Here is my simple function for testing the BP.
When the Decrease Health function is called the Modular Progress bar and text do not update, but the Test Bar and Text do.
Could someone help me pin point where I’m messing up at and educate me on how to fix it?
Thank you.