Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
we are proud to inform you that our new package “Modular Medieval NPC “ is submitted and we wait for epic approval to make it fully released.
This pack comes with a load of assets to equip a medieval characters as you like.
Release](Modular Medieval NPC in Characters - UE Marketplace):
Multiple arms, chests, shoes, helmets, are ready to be assembled to your own unique composition. Be it beggar, a rich townsman or a regular citizen – it’s your choice how to fill the world with NPC’s or maybe even use the provided items as Player Character gear.
Each equipment uses a master material and a mask texture, which allow you to tweak its visual appearance in detail. For compatibility to other asset packs (like weapon animation sets), the delivered skeletal meshes are skinned to the UE4 skeleton. We added sockets for tools or weapon, these pivots are aligned to its hand grip.
To help you to get started with your new assets, the pack contains a couple of character blueprints and one character editor blueprint example which implements all of the assets and their customization possibilities.
We used Data Assets instead of Data Tables to store the items information. Thus you also have better control over individual features of the items (e.g. chests have slightly different settings than hats) and are able to easily add more features on your own.
The pack will be delivered with three different Heads + a Hair/Beard combination as a starter. We plan to create a separate product regarding this specific head feature. The scope of this product would be to big including all required facial feature components with our desired quality expectation.
You can replace these heads/hairs anytime with your own creations if they don’t fit your desired needs. Texture sharing: Eyebrows, beard and hair share all the same alpha texture. So no double data stuff where it is not needed. You can create material instances and tint them per shader to create slight variations.
We gonna share more information when the time comes, so please be patient with us.
As a customer you are always welcome to contact us.
A few facts:
Chests can be equipped with a gloves as well. The mesh morphs automatically when selecting the glove asset. For naked hands or normal arms the chest stays on default.
Hair change dynamically when the character or NPC got a hat on.
Robes for spiritual characters are skinned correctly + cloth sim. You can decide how far you want push this feature. There is no intersection with underlying legs/shoes.
6 different equipment slots (hat, hair, head, chest, arm, leg).
-2 attachments slots (main hand, off hand). -
Each item comes with 4 tint-able channels per asset
Females are currently in development and will be delivered in the first update of the pack, which is scheduled for the second half of the year. I can’t give you right now estimates so please be patient. But this female update is for free and you will not be charged if you bought the pack already. There is no separate female pack scheduled, we gonna build it all in one.
The idea is to use the same Skeleton for animation sharing.
We are currently looking into methods with gameplay tags to differentiate between genders.
All datastructure and names are allready in place to support gender customization:
Feel free to contact us anytime if you have any more Questions.
The 18page product documentation will delivered with the product as well.
Thomas + Christian