Modular Construction Tool: Example Project - Release

This is party of my RPG Engine toolkit but I doo cover the part of this tool that i released here, I start covering the Building Layout Tool at 13:50 seconds.

i cannot get this to work in UE4, it is telling me I need to rebuild it. Help?

Error 1 error MSB3073: The command ““C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.8\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat” CityPathBuilder_ExpEditor Win64 Development “C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.12\Engine\Plugins\CityPathBuilder_Exp\CityPathBuilder_Exp.uproject” -rocket” exited with code 3. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38 5 CityPathBuilder_Exp

This is the error Im getting

This is the project that uses Windows.h and conio.h and other windows features I posted earlier in the wrong project about, This one needs some work to make Linux Compatible, I’ve been trying to it to to work…

Does this work with 4.13? Also I can’t find the project in your gumroad profile, Kevin Antonio Mitchell ?

Its the first one that looks like a house interior there’s also a link that goes right to it on the original post.

You can update the project to 13 with little issues. I believe i had to make one small change when updating it to 13 because I had a function variable in the class the same as a parameter in the function. This throws an error in 13.

For anybody that needs the newest version built. I managed to get it up and running on 4.14.3 and i can package and upload it to any filesharing site you want.

No thanks. It should not be any changes needed from 13 to 14. As for 15 I shall find out soon if there are any complicated steps.

Alright then man, i wont upload, but all i did was to comment out archive.h and that made the project work for me.
Great work on the project tho :slight_smile: Love it :slight_smile:

Please provide a link to a working draft under 4.14

im new to c++ code. is it possible to migrate this entire project into my already existing one, and start using the tools in my project? or maybe i should go the other way around and migrate my project to the citypathbuilder project.

and it sais, on unreal 4.15, “could not be compiled, try rebuilding from source manually”

Going from that into your project is the best way. As for 4.15 thats hell on earth to be honest. i finally got my plugin upgraded but man there was alot of things to include to get everything compiled.

haha okey. i tried running it with 4.14 and that didnt work either. i have 4.14.3. did u make it in a earlier? can i download the earlier unreal somewhere maybe?! on the other hand i found out about cityengine today so i might go with that to create neighborhoods instead. its similar but with much less control over the buildings.

Yeah this was a 4.8 project.

I’m getting following while building project file (UE4.18.2):

While compiling C:\PROJECT ACW\CITY_BUILDER\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\CityPathBuilder_ExpModuleRules.dll:
ERROR: c:\PROJECT ACW\CITY_BUILDER\Source\CityPathBuilder_Exp.Target.cs(19,12) : error CS0122: ‘UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration’ ? Unaccessible due to level protection.
ERROR: c:\PROJECT ACW\CITY_BUILDER\Source\CityPathBuilder_Exp.Target.cs(17,23) : error CS0051: Accessibilit? incoerent: parameter type’ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>’ ? meno accessibile del metodo ‘CityPathBuilder_ExpTarget.SetupBinaries(UnrealBuildTool.TargetInfo, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<string>)’.

Maybe some “activation” key is needed ?


Same issue here, looks like this tool is way too outdated

It doesn’t open in 4.18 or 4.19 version of UE4. can you please help me run it.

you would have to rebuild the project in 4.18 or 4.19 from visual studios

looks like you mihgt need to clean the project and rebuild. Delete the build/intermediate/binaries/saved folder and the SLN file in the main and regenerate the project files on the uproject

Are you going to update this project for 4.27? It looks like a intersting tool for building level prefabs.