Modular Character Root Animation Problem - Parts coming out of sync!

Hi all, bit new here.

I am giving myself a crash course in UE4 and I’ve stumbled on a problem I don’t know how to solve.

Basically I am making a gears of war style Third person shooter with a modular main character. I have set up the animations for sprinting and combat rolls. when I make the character roll repeatedly, it causes the Torso to come further and further out of sync with the rest of the body parts. making the character sprint seems to reset this.

The roll animations are all separate anim-montages with root motion applied.

the sprinting animation has no root motion at all.

here is a video showing the problem.

I have tried to reparent the parts, which has no effect.

the only thing I have noticed is that within the animation blueprint if I place a delay before resetting the DoOnce node it makes the pieces come out of sync much faster.

Never Mind I Just solved it… now I feel guilty for making a thread…:rolleyes:

I had to assign a master pose component on begin play.