some of you might noticed my WIP thread: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?73785-Modular-Building-Set
This pack contains 50 parts, or even more if you count rotation variations (some parts rotated 90/180 degrees looks bit different). It was designed with option to go inside the buildings It has few master materials and instances, some materials are world aligned, instances allow to easy change of few parameters like glass opacity or color of the doors. It will also have some cool Blueprints for easier building
Would you like to have it in your projects? Cost will be 14.99$
Any feedback will be appreciated
Here are some screens:
It does interiors for 9.99 I’ll buy it lol.
Well another buyer here. The price is very good and we have interiors
I will buy
I’m so sorry guys, it will cost 14.99, I’ve made typo, 10$ was for Unity version. For Unreal there are few cool stuff made in Blueprints for easier placement like random setting of glass and so on, and Materials are much more advanced
It looks good for some industrial stuff and warehouses.
It could use a variety different textures or adjustable materials, maybe some warning/ danger signs for decals, I beams and zig zag I beam things that go on ceilings of warehouses, those yellow guard ralls that keep forklifts from hitting walls and to designate walkways, and warehouse interior office parts (yeah, an interior’s interior )
Also, some yellow, white, and candy cane line decals can also be used to designate walkways. It is a small detail, but those markings make the place feel functional.
Here is sample pic: http://www.wirecrafters.com/images/products/protective-railings/guardrail-systems/WireCrafters-guard-rail-protecting-office-from-forklift.jpg
Looks good so far
EDIT : also, warehouse floors are usually pretty flat looking for concrete, and can vary from pretty shiny to very little specular and usually is done with fairly large square tiles
Hope this helps!
@_cDub thanks, I just wanted to create a base so you can build something more by yourself, no one wants to see the same exact assets in all projects I will consider making just interiors you mentioned for 5$ or even free