Modifying PrimalitemResource_Flint

Hi there
i just created a new ingame Object (Stone Crusher).
it turns stone into flint.

in order to make it work i have to Modify the PrimalitemResource_Flint. (set “Auto Craft Blueprint” to true)

it’s all fine but the flint produced is not the same as the “vanilla” flint,
therefore it’s unusable for further crafting.

very strange that we cannot define that stuff in the PrimalInventoryBP.

i don’t see any solution, as we cannot modify the “vanilla” flint.

please help!

Have you tried remapping resource components?

YES! that did it. i just had to remap flint to flint_mod on the PrimalGameDataBP.
thank you!

EDIT: strange enough, this worked only once… after testing a second time it i had two different flint in my inventory again…

Set the vanilla flint as parent to your custom flint - all child classes are usable the same way as their parents unless specified otherwise, and it will work in all recipes.
You might also want to remap your mod flint to the basic one instead. Remap only activates upon spawning an item/actor and switches them out.

i hope i understand you correctly.
so i double clicked the PrimalItemResource_Flint_mod and chose File ->Reparent Blueprint. then i chose the vanilla flint.
in the primalGameDataBP under Remap Resource Components its set from Flint to Flint_mod.
unfortunately this did NOT work…

I don’t understand that

You did correctly with the reparenting.
To remap flint, use “remap items”, not resource components. Those are for HarvestingComponent files (I think).

Basically, what remap does is prevent a specified instance from appearing in-game, substituting it. It does not replace references or any other data.

thank you so much, this seems to work!