I have a SceneCapture2D pointing to a staticmesh (the small metallic thing on the table)
I also have an algorithm to calculate a 2D Bounding Box around the mesh in the texture. So now I want to see whether the algorithm works, and therefore draw this bounding box onto the Rendertarget / texture.
This is my code for doing that, it is called every tick:
static void makeRed(TArray<FLinearColor> & ImageData, int i) {
ImageData[i].R = 1;
ImageData[i].G = 0;
ImageData[i].B = 0;
void UTryPixelAccess::drawBoundingBox(UTextureRenderTarget2D * RenderTexture, FBox2D Bounds)
TArray<FLinearColor> ImageData;
FRenderTarget *RenderTarget = RenderTexture->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();
//todo: lock data?
int x1 = Bounds.Min.X;
int y1 = Bounds.Min.Y;
int x2 = Bounds.Max.X;
int y2 = Bounds.Max.Y;
// lambda for array access
auto toIndex = [RenderTexture](int x, int y) {
return x + y * RenderTexture->SizeX;
// horizontal lines
for (x1 = Bounds.Min.X; x1 <= Bounds.Max.X; x1++) {
makeRed(ImageData, toIndex(x1, y1));
makeRed(ImageData, toIndex(x1, y2));
// vertical lines
x1 = Bounds.Min.X;
for (y1 = Bounds.Min.Y; y1 <= Bounds.Max.X; y1++) {
makeRed(ImageData, toIndex(x1, y1));
makeRed(ImageData, toIndex(x2, y1));
The problem is: it does not work! With debugging the code I can see that the pixel values are modified as wished. But the plane showing that RenderTarget Texture still does not have a red bounding box drawn onto it…
So for me there are possibilities what could be the problem:
I´m not accessing the real data, but only a copy of it (which is wondering, because in [this post][2] they make a copy themself after reading the pixels - so it should be the real data?)
The pixels are overritten by the engine before they are rendered, so I need some kind of write protection
maybe I completly misunderstood the concept of a RenderTarget (I´m very new to Unreal)
Or is there another, simpler way of drawing the box onto the material/texture/renderTarget itself? Maybe with blueprint scripting?
I´m thankful for any advice!