Typically, UE5 has been pretty enjoyable to work with. But widgets and UI have been the most painful thing for me. I just cannot figure them out tbh haha.
I tried to create a reusable button widget. Since this button has a hover animation effect, I didn’t want to constantly keep adding additional hover animations. However, to my dismay I cannot change the child text box’s text for each different button? I made it a variable and everything. I’m purely templating right now, so I kind of need to be able to change that without code.
There’s no way to access the child in this case. Is there another way to handle this? I tried to look for solutions online, but there were no solutions that worked for me.
EDIT: I know about named slots, and they can work… but it seems I have to consistently adjust the font and stuff of whatever I put in there so it matches everything else. It’d be nice if I could just plop the reusable button into my scenes, and just change the text.