Modify Async Loading Screen plugin to shut down after changes from save file are applied to level

Hi everyone! I am using Async Loading Screen plugin. The issue is:
I want to hide with loading screen changes occurring on a level just after it starts (in accordance to data from save file, like repositioning of main character, enemies etc.). But loading screen “uses MoviePlayer” and “MoviePlayer is registered to PreLoadMap and PostLoadMapWithWorld delegates so it will be called and shut down automatically by the engine whenever you open a new level” (quotes from plugin documentation). Do I need to re-register MoviePlayer ancestor to my custom delegate somehow? Or what should I do? Thanks in advance.

Async Loading Screen Plugin is great for multiplayer games only. It is incompatible with save-load system. If you are developing RPG (or other type of game which have save-load system), use Level Streaming + just a Widget. Hope it’ll help others.