I’m in the final stages of preparing for the development of a 2.5D action platform game for which characters will be prerendered (with all other game aspects done in-engine). However, the template that I have chosen for this is currently set up to where sprites are one per action (so a sprite for running, another for jumping and so on) and the renders that I’m using are double-sided (meaning that the character only has a single sword, and it’s sheathed at her left hip with nothing bolted to her armor on the right) which is obviously nonsensical. What this essentially means is that her shield would be in one hand and her sword would be in the other during attack animations and they’re on opposite sides of her body. Or maybe she’s using her mana arts abilities to manipulate her body so that she can repeatedly bounce off walls for vertical movement (like in Megaman X, if you need a quick comparison) and has an idle sprite that’s specifically used when she’s parallel with the wall that she’s climbing upward in this manner. Or idle sprites in general, for that matter.
Thus, what I’m looking to do is to modify the blueprints that I received with the template pack so that the sprites are changed in relation to her direction of focus (so that you’re looking at her left side when she’s facing west, and her right when facing east). Would anyone be able to advise on how to proceed with this?