Modern house in Germany

Impressive work.

Never saw one like that in my neighborhood though :frowning:


great! :¬)

great work, congratulations!

I was wondering about the trees around the house, are those trees 3D or 2D shapes? they are very realistic, have you got them from the marketplace or modeled yourself?

So did you start with the Riviera House blue print system? Or, did you make your own Blueprint system for the HUD and interactive features? Looks great.

looks awesome!

i’m curious about grass work. I love it! Can you explain your foliage process?

2-Material color variation
3-Foliage material subsurface scattering settings
4-Foliage lighting settings
5-Foliage shadow settings
6-How do you achieve mowed grass effect? Scale grass model or change foliage’s Z value or another way?
7-How much does it cost? (fps and pool size)

Очень здорово! Никогда не ставил колличество отскоков более 50. Щас попробую твои настройки! + пост процесс поюзаю. А ты для себя или это коммерческий проект?

Please post in English in the English language forums.


Really nice work! The props and accessories give it a really natural feel!

Did you use the HAL toolkit for this?


may i use this in my project? :slight_smile: