Moderators censoring topics - This NEEDS to stop

Hey all,

In regards to the UE EA vs Main topic, it had derailed into a heated, off-topic discussion and the moderation team stepped in to help settle things down. While this decision was made with good intentions, we agree that wholly unlisting the topic was heavy-handed. We’ve removed the posts in violation of our guidelines and restored the topic, with the expectation that the discussion may resume as long as it remains on-topic.

For your visibility, in the last couple of months, we’ve onboarded a handful of new moderators—as evidenced above, you’ve likely seen them in action around the site! As with any new additions, it takes time to settle in, and we’ll continue to develop and refine our processes to help keep all of us aligned. Occasionally a decision or action may not completely reflect how collectively we’d prefer a situation to be handled, and we’ll use this as an opportunity to coach the team as they continue to grow as mods.

As a general reminder, participating in the Unreal Engine forum is a voluntary choice made by community members, and in order to continue participating in discussions here, we expect each and every member to respect the Code of Conduct. Should any of these guidelines be violated, we can and will take action.

In that vein, we do welcome your feedback and concerns, and ask that it be provided in a polite and constructive manner. As this thread has become quite inflammatory, we’ll be closing it, but will leave it listed as a record of the grievances expressed.