…and weirder still is that if you are, you’re replies are still appearing much soon than mine… for example, this probably won’t show up for ages…
I dont remeber seeing your posts being moderated, i will observe it and see
Ok thank you .
It seems it was one comment, which has re-apperared today.
Thanks, in any event
Yes, this is normal and after a while you should be fine or else you post something weird, i don’t know what actual algorithm. You may still be moderated but approve should come way faster now.
System also tries to catch abnormal posts so anyone posts can be moderated sometimes. Sorry for inconvivinace
Thanks for the reply, I really hope so. It seems like there are some great people here who willing give up their time to help, which is wonderful - just really difficult to engage when there are the long delays.
Hi, I have just started using AnswerHub and seem to be in the same situation. I have even been down voted because my answer appeared so late that the conversation had developed to a point where my response was just contradicting what others had clarified ‘before’ my post. I hope this gets better soon as I would really like to engage with and contribute to this wonderful community but the moderation system is making it very hard to get started. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance
It seemed to take about 10 days for myself, I’m not entirely sure what things may have been done to affect that.
Not sure if it’s possible to tag people in posts, if so, @anonymous_user_f5a50610 may be able to help/advise?
Sorry to jump on this thread, but my question is getting moderated as well. Any idea how I can resolve this?
Nothing can be done. You basically have to wait I’m afraid…
No need to apologise.
There wasn’t anything I specifically did really, waiting and waiting and waiting seemed to be the only way through it which was very less than ideal. Never encountered anything like it on forums before.
That seems to be working for me now Thank you.
It’s ironic, because now I appear to have gone back to needing moderation for every comment I add to a post again. It does make this so difficult to use.
I got moderated again the other day :-/
There are some pretty high barriers to useful functionality on this AH…
Fully agree… not being able to reply instantly means days go by and people think you’ve not bothered replying to their comment/answer - so you either look ungrateful or you lose the ability to have that persons help. Its shocking. I’ve jumped across to Discord instead, but, I HATE discord, its really not the kinda tool I want to use. Questions just go whizzing up the screen and you end up having to re-port. Much prefer a decent forum for support stuff.
I can only assume this place got kinda abandoned because of these issues. Seems daft that there isn’t a decent forum for UE4 to be seen.
Hope you get to see my reply to your comment, you know, in a week or so when it appears…
I see it!