Modeling tools - snapping while trying to freehand draw a shape not working. How to make it work?

Hello guys,

I hope you can help me. Recently I started to learn UE5 Modeling Tools but I encountered a problem. I tried everything to solve it but in the end I realized the tool Im trying to use is just not working for me but it SHOULD.

Basically, when I try to use extrude polygon to draw a shape with freehand mode snapping is not working. I have it enabled, tried every option in the tool menu to make it work - no success.

This guy shows exactly what I want to do -

I have the same options as him, trying to do the same as him but for him its working and for me not. For me its all the same like when he unchecks snapping (I can move a line freely whenever I want but I cant snap it to quickly create like 90 degree line from a straight line etc. to create symmetrical object etc.)

I also have world coordinate system enabled.