Modeling - copies are instanced?

Hello, desperate newb here. I am enjoying modeling toolkit, but I have a basic issue - when I copy or duplicate any cube, I can’t make polygonal changes to any one of cubes without those changes applying to the others. I can’t find where i can remove this dependence.
All I want is to make a lot of walls and edit some of them. Right now I am forced to create a whole lot of cubes and edit them separately, and that’s slow.
Thank you

Just change at least one of the details of the boxes as you put them in the level, the you get different meshes.

Also take a look at ( in case you haven’t ):

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Hello Kogirius,

One thing that might be helpful is to use the ‘MshDup’ command in the “Create” section of the modeling tools.

I do agree that being able to drag out a copy of a mesh and instantly create a new instance of it (I’m imagining maybe a command in the PolyEd tool) could be good for workflow.


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Thanks! this works for me, I think. Although I still would love to be able to disconnect meshes I have already copied.