Model won't texture right when exported from blender

So I am trying to put the materials back on a slightly modified version of the Tek Rifle that I imported into blender, edited and then exported back into the ADK. I also tried this with 3ds MAX and while some of the issues were fixed, there were other texture issues.

The texture applies perfectly to the main body of the rifle, but on the scope area it messes up really bad. I am not to worried about that part as i am going to texture the scope something other then the original. What I am mainly worried about it the Lens and Charge Meter. The lens is perfect, but the charge meter does not work and rather looks like the lens is being copied onto it. Which it is because on the UV map those sections are overlapping, but I didn’t change the UV map it just imported into Blender like that. In 3DS max a had a different problem and it was the charge meter worked correctly, but then the lens didn’t have it’s texture as well as it lit up the same color as the charge meter when the rifle overheated.

Does anyone know how to fix this. At least the lens/charge-meter part. I have the same materials that the original Tek rifle has, I don’t see what is causing the issue in blender, though I know the issue is something in blender.

Scope area texture issue:

Lens and Charge Meter:

Well I found a work around, I created a duplicated the TEKRife_ChargeMeter_MAT and removed the top layer and kept only the base layer, then I seperated the Lens and Charge meter into separated layers in blender and reimported and added a duplicated TEKRife_ChargeMeter_MIC onto the Element that has the overheat bars and added the original to the lens. So now it works, but I would still be interesting in how to do it correctly if anyone has the solution.