I have two versions of a same area modelled of a door, with 3 laser scans.
In the first model, the laser scan in the doorstep, to connect the inside and outside of a structure is avtivated. But the door looks poor and incomplete.
If i disable the door scan, the modelling looks ok.
Have a look the two screenshots. First one is with scan in door activated and second one is with scan in door disabled.
my question: Is there a way to get the door complete without having to disable the door scan ?
first what I thought of, is the laser scan should not be any close to a structure, this may create the damage as you said the scan position is in the doorway. The next thing I thought of is: Is there a chance you have had the doors opened on some positions and closed on others? If yes then it can really break easily as the software cannot decide whether it is correct on one set or another.
Thanks for your answer. Yes the door was in at least two positions when scanning. We do this to get the door geometry and to be able connect the inside and outside of the structure.
Here is a view from inside. You can see the door in an open position.
I used uncleaned scans inside the building as the photos used for texturing was taken with the furniture inside. If i clean the scans and then texture, I will get projections on surfaces I do not want.
So I will probably have to disable a few of the scan-images related to the door and then re-model.
Yea well basically now it is up to your creativity. For the future, leave the door open the whole time and don’t move anything inside as well. Also, it is much better to use pictures to connect the outside and inside as with a laser scanner you should not be close to the walls or door to not get messy results. But that is just a tip.
This is beyond the discussion of this thread, but I am surprised you said that it is easier to connect inside and outside using photos rather than a laser scan! I always felt the opposite is true.
Maybe this can be another thread discussion, if this topic has not been addressed already.