Modding wild creature skills on spawn

I’ve poked around a bit and haven’t seen this question here or on steam, apologies if it’s a regularly asked question.

I’d like to create (or use if it exists) a mod that makes wild creatures more sane. Presumably somewhere there’s leveling code that triggers on animal spawn that decides where to put attribute points. What I’d propose is to create a table for each animal and each skill that represents the random chance for where each levels skill points are spent. For example:

Health 20
Stamina 10
Oxygen 5
Food 20
Weight 20
Damage 10
Speed 5
Torpor 10

Health 15
Stamina 10
Oxygen 5
Food 5
Weight 5
Damage 20
Speed 20
Torpor 20

So Brontos become bigger carrying tanks that get moderately harder to knock unconscious and get a bit faster and do a bit more damage. Raptors get much faster, hit much harder, are much harder to knock unconscious and get a bit tougher as they level.

This way higher level mobs get reasonably tougher, you don’t end up with level forty T-Rexes with points wasted on food and oxygen. For variation each species has a unique table so some species may get much harder to knock out like. a stego, some get stupidly fast like raptors.

Then when the game spawns a creature it just loops through that list N Level times applying the appropriate skill up.

So I guess my question is whether this type of game logic is exposed and if so whether anybody is already working on such a mod or has any interest in such a mod. I guess it’s entirely possible they plan to do this in game at some point.

Definitely sounds like a great mod to work on. (I would if I could load the Island Map T.T).

But my capabilities right now is just to make mods (not maps or editing them) with my current card.

I’m sure someone will pick it up once they’re done working on their mod or someone new my grab it and make it. Right now the functionality of creating/cooking/uploading mods is a bit wonky so their is always that for them to work through. But keep an eye out, their is bound to be many people who think this idea is great aside from me.

I tried balancing the game a little, but the most I could achieve was editing the storage units. (Tried editing resources but it always dislikes that for some reason).

It’s definitely not as cookie cutter as opening a file and editing a table, but I have seen a few things here and there that make me think it’s eventually possible. Down the line this will definitely be something that I will work on though.