Modding Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker issue

Hello all! I’m very new to UE4 modding and figured this would be the best place to come for support when running into a modding issue.

I am attempting to do a model swap in Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker, which runs off of UE 4.16

I was let onto a technique that allows me to run the game in offline mode without the EAC blocking any mods in the NARUTO/Content/Paks/~MODS/ folder. I was able to successfully create a texture replacement by editing the the diffuse and color maps of the texture, repacking them into .uassets through Unreal Engine 4.16, and placing them in the correct folders. It runs perfectly and as expected, however I’m running into an issue when working with meshes.

I took the mesh and skeleton I wanted to swap, packed them into .uassets, and placed them in the correct folders, however when I load into the game the entire mesh appears invisible. I’ve tried repacking, repackaging the assets but to no avail. If asked I can provide the .uassets or raw files of what I’m working on.

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