Modded Smithy Problems

Hi all, in a mod I made, I created a new smithy which had everything the same as the normal smithy, except it had a bit different crafting requirements and has some extra custom blueprints, but the issue is the smithy should show about 200 recipes but for me it is missing loads like the crossbow, etc. how do i get all of the recipes to pop-up without having to place each and everyone at a time into the default blueprints?

Hi, if you have a new smithy, you need the smithy inventory. You can copy and paste the smithy inventory and added in your new smithy. Under defaults in the inventory blueprint you can insert your new item to craft. But you must in of the default your new items and in the oter default category the number for the blueprints. This can be 0 - 2 this number say:

0 = hidden in the inventory (Autocraft blueprints)
1 = Show bleprint if have the char have learned the blueprint engram
2 = Make bleprint craftable without learning a engram

But this way is a long way to insert new items in a workstation, then you must remap all items. You must insert in all pblueprints the new inventory to craft under crafting inventory of every item.

If you like only added new items in the original smithy you can have a easier way. Make Engrams for the new items if you don’t have. Set in your new item blueprints the required inventory to the original smithy inventory. Go on your primal game data and search additional structure engrams an search here the smithy and insert the new items. Now if the player learned the new engrams he can craft the items in the original smithy and you don’t must remap any items. If you like to make the crossbow or other things with other crafting costs go in the TestGameMode blueprint and use here the OverrideCraftingCosts. Don’t forget to insert the TestGameMode in the PrimalGameData blueprint.

I hope i can help you with this.