Mocap animations


i thinking begin doing my animations with any cheap mocap solutions for got more natural movements.

Anyone try any? best? i thinking in something like IPIsoft.

another question its i working atm with ARTS for animation, i like it, its easy, all my character are rigged with it, but mocap systems bones have different name. if possible solve this? best way?

Here’s a more advanced (I guess) motion capture system called ‘PERCEPTION / NEURON’ was recently funded on Kickstarter.


i known, i already have a eye on that, perhaps its good alternative next year (late) but i want something for this year mate :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

You could create your character in a modeling package then re-target the animations to fit the Epic skeleton. In other words, import the animation into Maya or whatever, apply it to your character, fix whatever messes up then export it to UE4. I think that’s the simple way. You might luck out and have the animation work but chances are, if your bones have different names, it’ll be a mess.

You could also use kinect for mocap anims -> it also works pretty well, but you have to do lot’s of polishing work :slight_smile:


the problem i see its this thing about bone names, i don’t known if any application make that easy.

yes ipisoft do that too, kinect or camera seems cheap solutions, the doubt that I have its about bone names

thanks both.

nobody then do something like this?