Mobile swipe to move camera but while button is pressed

So, I’ve set up blueprint code to move the camera around while swiping and I’ve set up code to do things when l press the on screen buttons. The problem is if l hold the button in and try to swipe, the swipe won’t work. I assume it is because of widget overlapping or something as the Swipe using a InputTouch. I’ve been stuck on this for about a month now and nobody can answer it. Thanks.

Find the events for the inputs click the node and try turning off (unchecking) “Consume input” it should pass through the information.

In the engine you can also see if changing “use mouse for touch” changes the behavior.

Unfortunately it hasn’t worked. I can select that on the InputTouch event that is used for swiping the camera around, but the event for OnPressed for the button has no options when clicked, if it had a consume input to be unchecked it sounds like that’s what it needs as the button seems to be taking priority.

Using a border component as a button seems to work fine, but no idea why