Mobile Motion Controls

Heyo, so I’ve been working on a mobile game that allows the user to choose either touch screen movement or motion movement - the motion controls feel like garbage and was wondering if anyone had links or information on the difference between Tilt and Rotation Rate. The documentation for this stuff on Unreals site is non existent other than to say it exists and it’s a vector lol.

Here is where I am so far
Tilt - checks for any tilt in the device, this means if it’s not on a perfectly level surface at game startup you’ll begin moving in whatever direction the device is tilted

Rotation Rate - Only changes values once the device is moved/tilted, so you can hold the phone in any position as the game boots but movement of the character won’t start until you move the phone.

If anyone has documentation links or information on these 2 at all that’d be super appreciated, as I want the Rotation Rate functionality, where it won’t move no matter the position of the device at level start, but the feel of the tilt control.