I’m trying to use the animations from the animation starter pack with the UE4 Mannequin Mobile, but something isn’t looking quite right. I assumed the mobile mannequin would use the same skeleton as the regular one, so that retargeting would be unnecessary. Do I need to retarget, or am I doing something wrong here?
I have added the animations by exporting them to an external folder, creating a new animation blueprint with the mobile mannequin and importing the animations through persona, sticking to default import options. It seems like the arms are the biggest problem. Here is a screenshot to demonstrate:
Thanks, TastyCrunch. I’ve seen this video, but I asked this question since I had hoped I would not have to retarget, seeing that the mobile mannequin is just a lower poly version of the skeletal mesh the animations are made for. I guess I’ll have to retarget anyway, though. I’ll mark this question as answered.
Ok, for anyone reading this who’s having the same problem, retargeting turned out to be really simple. Only the upperarm_twist_01_l and upperarm_twist_01_r had to be translation retargeted to skeleton. Everything looks like it should now.
Monokkel still saves lives in 2018!
This is still and issue in 4.20 - more details for how to fix it:
1. Open “SK_Mannequin_Mobile_Skeleton” 2. On the left, menu Skeleton Tree, click Options 3. In option list Activate “Show Retargeting Options” 4. Set “Translation Retargeting” to “Skeleton” for upperarm_twist_01_l and upperarm_twist_01_r 5. Enjoy a bit less pain in your life.