Just as the title says, launching an url from the phone it makes the game crash.
the phone is One plus One. UE4 4.7
to replicate: 1) create widget 2)add a button 3) on click launch any url.
On pc works fine
Just as the title says, launching an url from the phone it makes the game crash.
the phone is One plus One. UE4 4.7
to replicate: 1) create widget 2)add a button 3) on click launch any url.
On pc works fine
Howdy giangole,
Thank you for reporting this issue. I have just tested this issue on a similar device and have seen no errors. I did just test this on the new preview 2 build of 4.7. Would you be able to download the new preview and test this issue?
Thanks and have a great day!
hello Sean Gribbin, Tried to build the project on 4.7 preview 2, the game just crashes on startup.(mobile)
Would you be able to share a couple of screenshots of your setup just so that I may be able to compare them to my current setup?
what do you mean by setup?
Sorry about that. I should of clarified that the screenshots i would like to look at are of the Blueprint setup of the Widget and of the Blueprint adding the widget to the viewport.
Hey giangole,
Just wanted to check in with you and see if you had the opportunity to get a chance to capture any screenshots that may help with recreating this issue. I have attempted to recreate this issue and have not been able to see any errors once again. Here is my current setup:
UMG Designer:
UMG Graph:
Level BP:
Please let me know if these are different then your current setup.
sry for not answering right after, yeah all that stuff is on my app.
as soon as i click on the link/button. The app closes and says
“unfortunately Project stopped working”,
P.S. on ue4 viewport works fine
It is possible that it could be the device. We do not have a One plus One available to test so I have been using devices that are similar. Would you be able to test this issue on any other mobile device and see if the same error occurs?
Howdy giangole,
Just wanted to check in with you and see if you had the chance to test this issue on any other mobile devices besides the One plus One? Please let me know when you do so I may investigate this issue further if needed.
Hi giangole
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.