i made a simple 3D mobile game in unreal engine 4 but when i packaged it for the phone the size too big like the game is simple and the size 318MB and i tried alot of way i found on YouTube, and i even tried to make empty project “Blank” without anything and i packaged it to the phone and the size is crazy 308!!!, please any help?!
That is problem with unreal games for mobile. Last time i tried it (4.12) bare engine size was 95mb and limit for package was 110mb. Now i imagine bare engine would be 150 maybe 200 mb. You probably cannot size down game to be less than 110mb.
So you have 2 options:
- forget mobile games on unreal, move to unity or GODOT
- create downloader, find website that hosts your game package, and upload downloader to mobile shop.
Btw. those greedy #$%^ get 30% of income and cannot even host our games.