Hello guys, I’m planning on creating a mobile game like Kim Kardashian’s Hollywood game. I know this type of game is easy to create because the game doesn’t use too many actions.
The player does not move position
It uses one standing animation
Swipe screen to see the rest of the room
Click on the goals that use up energy or hearts
Energy or hearts regenerate by time
When you complete goals you get rewarded with money and xp
You customize your character by dressing it up with different clothing hairstyles etc.
To move to the next of previews room you just tap a button next to the room.
In short words I need a tutorial in creating a 2d online dress up game.
I also need a chat, friend list, and leaderboard
I’ve been looking on YouTube for tutorials on how to make a game like this but I couldn’t find anything. The thing is that it is easy to make but no one has made a game tutorial for it. Does anyone have tutorials for a game like this or has seen some online? If you have please let me know I would greatly appreciate it!