Mobile dev and shadows

Mobile dev is a NIGHTMARE. Istarted small and i keep pushing smaller. Every time i compress or set LOD bias, etc., i have a new problem. Is there like a full guide to recommended mobile settings for unreal engine 5 anywhere?

I have this current problem that is baffling to me. i finally got lighting right on mobile to eliminate all of the hundreds of obstacles there. Now i have this problem:

The shadows are so grainy. Its absolutely awful. If you turn off shadows in the directional light, there is just no light at all in build. Any thoughts appreciated.

Ended up just removing shadows completely in post process and it looks okay enough for android. I read in a forum somewhere that you shouldnt even use post process in mobile dev so im not even certain what problems this will cause. I still feel like there should be some sort of complete mobile optimization tutorial for unreal somewhere. I am finding out in tiny bits and pieces all over the place what can and cannot be done for mobile dev.