MMO type game

My freinds and i are not actually working on this yet, because we are still working on another project. The game is an mmo style game where you create your own character using our charactger creation tool that will allow you to almost shape your character any way you want. After that you can play with your character on someone serve or mayby play mulltiplayer on your freind’s map or create your own server/map. If you don’t like the server or the map you are playing in you can easily moved to another one.

Once you are playing in a map or server you can do anything you want. When you play your character gets xp and level up at some point. Once you level up you can upgrade your character’s strength, speed, or agility. You can also buy lots on servers and maps. Ypu can buil anything you want on your lot a house or a buisness to make money on the game