MMO Starter Kit

UE4.21, Blueprint works well in the editor,No work after packing,why?

“JoinSession” node is not traveling to the Servers map,how to set?


Will the project be further developed?

What exactly doesn’t work after packaging? I’m running a demo server (in the first post) and it’s always online, you can check if the functionality you think is broken works there. If it works there, but not on your server, have you modified anything or are you running a clean project?

No new features are currently planned, I’m satisfied with the core functionality of the kit and don’t want to bloat it with features that may or may not be required in your particular MMO.

However, it’s not impossible that some new features may make it in eventually, as I’m working on an actual MMO project and if certain features are modular and flexible, they can be recreated in the MMOKit.

a player Creates a session,on dedicated server

Another player join the session,how to do

Interesting. Is this project public? Does it have a website?

Not sure what you mean by session in the context of an MMO. Could you elaborate?

It’s an indie MMORPG called Reign of Guilds.

Combat looked like this earlier this year, around April. Lots of graphical and gameplay changes since then. And it’s still got a long way to go before it’s ready.

Are you still working on this system and adding any more additional MMO options? I would like to see this with a stats and magical spell book etc. Mabey some classic Ever-Quest Menus Tab Targeting…etc… I think your onto something…This is a very nice start for an indi dev like myself. I hope you keep working on this and adding more too it. Thanks for your hard work…I will keep my eye on this hoping to see more updates.:slight_smile:

hey i bought the mmo starter kit around 2 or 3 hours ago but i didnt received it i talked to the people in the your discord and they say it might be sellfy or paypal problem and he told me if there any receipts either paypal or sellfy but i didnt received it either…and the money went through too…can u check on this

Have you tried contacting sellfy? They should be able to help you, but I don’t have to tools to do anything. All I can tell you is if your payment went through or not, and on my end it looks like it didn’t. Please send them a message (it’s a round pop-up in the bottom right corner on their website). Sorry for the inconvenience. Should you be required to make the purchase again (when your money returns), send me a PM and I’ll give you a discount.

ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item,why?

ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [77/617] Module.NativizedAssets.9_of_65.cpp
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [78/617] Module.NativizedAssets.7_of_65.cpp
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: E:\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\GeneratedCodeHelpers.h(415): error C2664: ��int32 &TMapBase<KeyType,ValueType,SetAllocator,KeyFuncs>::Add(TTuple<KeyType,ValueType> &&)��: �޷������� 1 �ӡ�const uint8��ת��Ϊ��const E__E_MatchmakingMaps__pf &��
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: with
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: KeyType=E__E_MatchmakingMaps__pf,
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: ValueType=int32,
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: SetAllocator=FDefaultSetAllocator,
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: KeyFuncs=TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<E__E_MatchmakingMaps__pf,int32,false>
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: ]
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: E:\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\GeneratedCodeHelpers.h(415): note: ԭ������: �޷��ӡ�const uint8��ת��Ϊ��const E__E_MatchmakingMaps__pf��
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: E:\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\GeneratedCodeHelpers.h(415): note: ת��Ϊö������Ҫ����ʽת��(static_cast��C ��ʽת��������ʽת��)
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: F:\Kxd421\Intermediate\Plugins\NativizedAssets\Windows\Game\Source\NativizedAssets\Private\BP_MatchmakingWebPanel__pf2443755060.cpp(1912): note: �μ������ڱ���ĺ��� ģ�� ʵ������void FCustomThunkTemplates::Map_Add<E__E_MatchmakingMaps__pf,int32,uint8,int32>(TMap<E__E_MatchmakingMaps__pf,int32,FDefaultSetAllocator,TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<KeyType,ValueType,false>> &,const V &,const W &)��������
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: with
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: KeyType=E__E_MatchmakingMaps__pf,
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: ValueType=int32,
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: V=uint8,
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: W=int32
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: ]
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [79/617] Module.NativizedAssets.15_of_65.cpp
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [80/617] Module.NativizedAssets.gen.23_of_75.cpp

ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [614/617] Module.Slate.2_of_5.cpp
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [615/617] Module.Engine.38_of_41.cpp
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [616/617] Module.NativizedAssets.1_of_65.cpp
Log.WriteException: ==============================================================================
Log.WriteException: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: F:\Kxd421\Binaries\Win64\CleanThirdPerson.exe
Log.WriteException: (see E:\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Logs\UBT-CleanThirdPerson-Win64-Development.txt for full exception trace)
Log.WriteException: BuildException: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: F:\Kxd421\Binaries\Win64\CleanThirdPerson.exe
Log.WriteException: 在 UnrealBuildTool.ActionGraph.ExecuteActions(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, List`1 ActionsToExecute, String& ExecutorName, String TargetInfoForTelemetry, EHotReload HotReload) 位置 E:\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\ActionGraph.cs:行号 507
Log.WriteException: 在 UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.RunUBT(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, String] Arguments, FileReference ProjectFile, Boolean bCatchExceptions) 位置 E:\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:行号 1699
Log.WriteException: ==============================================================================
UnrealBuildTool.RunUBT: Total build time: 2808.77 seconds (Parallel executor: 0.00 seconds)

Have you tried building without nativization? Does it work?

Does the problem appear only when you turn nativization on?

Have you modified the kit or are you building stock version? The errors look like it fails during nativization of some code that’s related to matchmaking. Do you have anything like that in your project?

Can I make it without database ,but with saving [players log out positions and equipment] on server side save plugin] or it won’t work ?
Or i ask other way it will work when i host server from my pc and it will store data in sql file , right ?

You can save it using ue4’s save game system, but then it wouldn’t be an mmo, it’d be a session based game. I recommend to keep one savegame file per character.

Saving and retrieving happens in the playerstate, so if you’re going to rewrite it, this is where you start.

Can I make database local so players must to conenct to host’s machine [server] ?

UE4.21.1 Packaging problem, through the project startup package, select Windows Client and Windows Server. After packaging, the client connects to the dedicated server through IP and port. The new players and the server spawn items can see, can not click by mouse。 The bullets spawn by the server can be seen,can not collision. Checking the dedicated server in the editor is good work, isn’t listen server,why?

UE4.21.1,Map spawn Actors, custom object/trace channels and event hit work in editor but not packaged game.

Hi. If something works in editor, but doesn’t work in a cooked build, it’s usually not easy to find out why. Best course of action I can recommend is

  • Try to replicate this behavior on a clean project, and if you’re successful, report it to Epic as a bug. They usually respond pretty quickly.
  • Try to debug it in the cooked build using a lot of "print string"s to find out what exactly fails.

That’s what I’d do. I personally have no experience with 4.21, I’m still on 4.19 with my project and I’m not in a hurry to migrate.

Yes, if you save characters using save game mechanics, they’ll be saved only on the machine where your server is running.

report bug to Epic, How to contact Epic

Yskwork, If you look at the top of this page, there is a search icon. if you type in " bug report" and click search… you then get this link. Report a Bug - Unreal Engine I have seen you ask a number of things that a simply search would have answered. You might try looking for answers a bit. Self reliance gives you two things. a faster answer, and confidence in being able to help others.
Happy New Year.

Sorry to be so Snarky, (Kinda)