MMO Starter Kit

db Stack preservation,honor points,how to set

Here is the link to the step by step I followed from AnswerHub: LINK

If you read over that and follow the video at the same time it should work, always make a backup copy to work with before you give it a try. Hope that helps.

Thanks for your reply!

Good point on the Steam launcher/authorization, I’ll research that and move on from here. Exit button will be awesome!

Keep up the great work with Project Genom, it’s very inspiring to see what the kit can do, maybe one day we’ll catch up!:smiley:

Sweet… Thank you .

Hi I’m struggling to do the rebild UE 4.10.4 gives Clean ThridPerson could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually. Help to cope with this error , put different version of the engine and all to no avail

You need to load the visual studio project file and compile the project there. You will discover VS gives you more descriptive error report that should help you understand what is stopping UBT from compiling the project.

Hey Everyone,

I put together a small video of me doing the Dedicated Server and Packaging of the documentation section. This is where I test build it after renaming the CleanThirdPerson to my game name. If your interested in following along I will post a link here:Dedicated Server and Packaging

I have also put a link in my signature to the videos I am uploading of the MMO starter kit as I follow along 's documentation. This helps me keep a record of what I am doing and a great learning process for me, hope they help some people as well.

Guys, faced with such a problem , UE4.10.4 parentdir, though I had to update the VaRest plugin, the project is started, files for VS 2015 generated, but you have to do a string Development Server, did everything according to the documentation, another problem : start a project, user registration works, but after login Loading appears and that’s it, nothing occurs , or throws back to the stage of authorization. Please help to solve these problems, do not know where to dig and where to look

Issue’s with Launcher/Patcher Documentation

I have been following the documentation to setup the launcher/patcher…

I archived packaged game and edited targetversion, then uploaded them both to mt ftp site.

Made sure to edit correct ftp address and login information.

When I launch Launcher it just sets at “deleting temp files”, I double check and triple check everything. I took a look at your patcher and saw you had a zip version WindowsNoEditor located in the ftp patch directory. So I uploaded a zip version of SoulBindersOnline to my ftp site.


After I do that everything works great, it connects, downloads the game and installs it and plays!!!

Did I read the directions wrong? Doesn’t say anything about a, or am I having trouble reading it right? Any feedback welcome, just wanted to make sure I am doing it correct.

UPDATE:I found a misspelled game_1 file I had uploaded to ftp, so somehow uploading the launcher picked it up 1 time, after correcting the spelling on the game_1 file I fixed the issue, it correctly downloads and installs everytime. I have deleted the, and have it working correctly.
Mark this issue as fixed!


Have you setup your database correctly? Did you create a character in the Start Map? Did you log into your database and set character id to 0 for the editor to run? Next to play button did you check Run Dedicated Server box from drop down?


I ran across a video on setting up MMO Kit, might want to give this a look: Setup

Hope that helps!

It’s $100 to get onto Greenlight, but if you can afford it, it sounds awesome :slight_smile: I’ve pretty much rewritten the launcher, got an exit button, changed it to web instead of ftp, fixed it so it’s not a double for version numbers so you can have 1.x.x.x or however you want :slight_smile: Hardcoded the EXE location and the URL For the Updates, added a section for Patchnotes, etc.

Hey Darkkitten, I sent you a pm when you get a chance.:smiley:

UPDATE: Did a small video on the Launcher/Patcher if anyone is interested.
Link here: Launcher/Patcher Documentation

Hey Everyone,

Not sure if everyone knows but you can go up on Mixamo right now and use their stuff for free, the fuse program is pretty cool for making character models and you can download in the UE4 .fbx format and they seem to import pretty good.

I have 2 new videos up of me working with Mixamo models and importing into the MMO kit, after this I will get a video up of patching.

Video Link:Customizing the player character

Update: I re filmed these videos, should be more fluid, updated link, let me know if not working.

I also ran across this blog with many links to information about UE4, seems pretty good on topics.Blog Link

Wow, thank you for this. Will this work the same as importing daz3d?

That I do not know, I have gotten it to work with the UE4 .fbx on the site, it’s all still a learning curve for me.:smiley:

If you find out it does be sure to drop us a update here.

Yes, you can, however there are a few caveats with using Daz3D / Poser:

  • Huge polycount
    – This can be accounted for by using Decimate or Poly-reduction, however, you may want to instead export the models into a Model-authoring program to manually reduce polys and add proper LOD’s

  • Get a texture atlas’ing plugin. By default, the programs will export each material separtely, which will increase the amount of drawcalls.

I haven’t yet done animations, but I suspect it should be fairly simple with using re-targetting

i want that roaming bandit attacks by sphere trigger collider when overlap with player and not clicking on the bandit, can you make a screenshot how to do this

Did everything as in the video, the problem was not solved , when starting a scene , you receive didn’t like at all, my only difference is that I rocked the engine from github and not from the launcher .

You tested your database and made sure it’s working? When you registered information was it saved correctly? Did you set the id number in your character account to 0? that has to be done to run in editor. Did you try running in selected view port with run dedicated server checked?

Hey Guys…

Tried to use VS Community 2015 with the kit and blew up EVERYTHING high wide and ugly. Is there a switch I need to use ??