ML Deformer - Data Generation Maya Plugin, an example config safe for default unreal skeleton?


I am trying out Maya ML Deformer - Data Generation Maya Plugin in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace, but I am a bit lost defining the movement ranges for all bones. An example config safe for the default unreal skeleton, would be really helpful, thanks!

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There is a new ML Deformer sample pack available to download on the marketplace. To create training data, for cloth, it’s advised to use nCloth in Maya. For skeleton and muscle Houdini is the way to go, but you can use also Ziva if you have it( quite pricey). Note there is no specific toolset, whatever works and outputs the best results. Good cloth simulation is much easier to produce, but muscles are quite complex to create a good system and simulate it.

Thanks for the reply! I mean example config safe for the maya plugin.

But still helpful advice, thanks!

I sent question to Hank, can we get an config file. Animation you can derive from sample pack. Now only config is left, let me know if you find it!

Any update on this? It’d be nice to use that Maya config.

A config for the metahuman skeleton with regular human motion ranges would be super handy!