I’ve attempted to run a project mixing City Sample, City Sample Crowd, and also one more, it’s the “Population_System” project market plugin sold on Epic Games Launcher.
I’ve included the walking blueprint with all the figures walking down the side-walk in multiple directions, but for some reason. Every time I run the game, the default city crowd people walk around fine, but the new people (from the “PopulationSystem” plugin) just walk in-place.
I’ve debugged the project and put a breakpoint on the Start Move function call. And it’s never reached beyond the “Spawn Pawn” function, I can’t figure out what’s interfering with it. Anyone on here have any knowledge of mixing these plugins? It would mean a lot to me if someone can help me out. I’ve been struggling on this project for weeks. I just want to make my dream game engine, but I keep running into issues. Luckily I’ve fixed most of them, but I keep encountering more. I really need to learn to debug better or something. I’m just so horrible at utilizing this beautiful and elegant blueprint system created by the Unreal developers. I really hope one day I’ll be able to understand all these issues and assemble blueprints super quickly… But, I’m just such a newbie right now.
One element about the Population_System I have a slight problem with is the low resolution characters, is there a way to increase their realism? Because I love the variety of figures in the set, and I love their multitude of clothing, I’m just not a fan of their faces.
Essentially, does anyone know how to integrate these plugin characters into one set? Preferably into the Crowd City Sampler plugin? Their all so, similar. I can only assume there’s a way. As they functionally mirror one another basically… Hmmm, how about the character array? Would that enable such a thing? I wonder… I’m going to look into that actually. Thank you for reading!
Thank you very much for reading my post and considering answering my question!
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_SpawnPawn_Pawn”. Node: Start Move Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Walking People Blueprint: BP_WalkingPeople