Hey! Just bought mockup mega pack with animations: movement locomotion, weapon locomotions and etc., but I can’t figure out how to mix it all together. This is my case:
- I have a full set of animations where the character is moving without a gun in it’s hands (2D locomotion);
- I have a few animations where the character is moving with a gun but in one direction (it means i need to blend it with base locomotion from 1) (1D locomotion);
- I have a full locomotion set of animations where the character is moving with a gun in it’s hands with Aim forward (2D locomotion);
- I have a pack of AimOffsets (2D AimOffset);
In first approach I think i need a number of layers where each layer will be on the top of previous depending of the state: Movement with gun → Aiming. It means i need to blend my movement locomotions with gun movenent and movement with gun aiming with Aim offset and then all together?