Mixing animation states

Hey! Just bought mockup mega pack with animations: movement locomotion, weapon locomotions and etc., but I can’t figure out how to mix it all together. This is my case:

  1. I have a full set of animations where the character is moving without a gun in it’s hands (2D locomotion);
  2. I have a few animations where the character is moving with a gun but in one direction (it means i need to blend it with base locomotion from 1) (1D locomotion);
  3. I have a full locomotion set of animations where the character is moving with a gun in it’s hands with Aim forward (2D locomotion);
  4. I have a pack of AimOffsets (2D AimOffset);

In first approach I think i need a number of layers where each layer will be on the top of previous depending of the state: Movement with gun → Aiming. It means i need to blend my movement locomotions with gun movenent and movement with gun aiming with Aim offset and then all together?

I don’t recall offhand how aim offsets are setup but if your goal is to blend lower body movement with upper body holding weapon, you can do that with Layered blend per bone. This example turns off weapon layer when there is no weapon and filters spine_01 with a blend depth of 3.