Mixer & Box selection request

Hey Epic! Thank you for UE5 it’s insane!
Whilst working with it I had some ideas for future releases, although I imagine they could be in the pipeline already, I figured I’d drop some thoughts.

With Bridge now built in to the engine, it would be great to see Mixer join the club. Instead of a pop up though it would be great if it was added to the top panel with Landscape, paint, modelling tools etc. It would be awesome if we were able to select an asset, click mixer and it isolates the asset like it does with modelling tools to allow real-time mixing in the editor.

My other request may have already been requested but allowing for box selection of assets in the editor viewport, ala Blender. Would be great to be able to drag and select multiple assets for stuff like merging, deletion etc.

Thank you for all your efforts so far!


My other request may have already been requested but allowing for box selection of assets in the editor viewport, ala Blender. Would be great to be able to drag and select multiple assets for stuff like merging, deletion etc.

Hold down CTRL+ALT and LMB drag… :wink: