I have been using Mixamo animations for a few years now and have never really had that many issues with them until now. I have gone through my usual setup, as well as doing double checking tutorials to make sure I was setting everything up correctly and I cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong.
Everything works fine, but the re-targeted animations are inside the floor.
I have a feeling it has something to do with Mixamo not having a root bone, but it has never been an issue before.
Okay so I have tried pretty much everything and changed every setting possible to see what would happen and I have concluded it must be an issue with the current state of Mixamo. I have imported a year-old skeletal mesh from Mixamo with the exact same bone hierarchy as the one I am having issues with and there are no problems whatsoever.
It did mean however that I have to take the Mixamo animations, retarget them to the old Mixamo skeleton then retarget those animations to the UE4 skeleton.
Bit of a long process and I have no idea of the real issue with the new Mixamo animations, but clearly they are just not behaving in the way they should with the new skeletal mesh they have on their website.