Mixamo to Unreal Engine converter (free)

This is a FREE 3Ds Max script that helps you convert from MIXAMO.com bone hierarchy to the default humanoid in Unreal Engine 4

This aims to solve the annoying task of setting the bones between both skeletons to match each others one by one in non user-friendly dropdowns.

Download and more info in my portfolio: bit.ly/mixamo2unreal

Hope It’s useful to you!

Hi Nesjet.
Unfortunately the download link is not working, could you re-upload it please

Sorry for the delay, I didn’t notice It. Download button should be fixed now. (My site was afected by the OVH disaster Massive Fire Destroyed OVH Strasbourg Data Center ) so It took some time to restore everything as security copies were also affected.

Everything should be working now.

Download is still down,…

Can you provide any details on the issue? It seems fine to me. I see people downloading it on a daily basis on the site statistics.